Collection: Fly Rugs & Summer Sheets

 The arrival of Summer brings warm weather and allows our equine companions some well-deserved down time in the fields. However, with the warm weather comes persistent pests. Insects such as flies and midges not only irritate your horse or pony but can also cause discomfort and transmit disease. At Ayr Equestrian we have a range of fly rugs and summer sheets from the top equestrian brands to protect your equine friends, ensuring they can stay cool and comfortable. Shop our range of summer rugs and find your perfect match at an ideal price.

About Fly Rugs and Summer Sheets

Horse fly rugs are lightweight, breathable, and protective garments designed to protect your horse from the relentless onslaught of flies and biting insects. Made from durable materials, such as mesh fabric, a fly rug can create a barrier between your horse’s skin and biting insects to prevent discomfort.

The mesh construction of a fly rug offers optimal airflow while keeping flies at bay. The tight weave of the fabric stops insects from penetrating while allowing your horses skin to breathe, keeping them cool and comfortable in the warm weather. Unfortunately, the British weather cannot be relied on, and rain is never impossible. At Ayr Equestrian we offer waterproof fly rugs from both LeMieux and Shires.

In addition to repelling flies, many fly rugs offer built in UV protection to shield your horse/pony from harmful rays. This is especially important for those with sensitive skin or light-coloured coats as prolonged exposure can lead to sunburn and discomfort. 

Our selection of fly rugs come with integrated or detachable neck options and full tail flaps to provide full-body coverage and protect those areas from fly and midges bites. These features are particularly beneficial for horses and ponies prone to sweet itch and allergic reactions.

What to consider when buying a fly rug?

Size and Fit

Measure your horse/pony to ensure your fly rug will fit comfortably with enough room for movement without being to loose or tight, particularly important to prevent rubbing on the shoulders and wither area. Shires and Storm Equine provide a comfortable fit for cob types. Check the rug has adjustable cross surcingles and secure fastenings for a snug yet comfortable fit. Many of our horse fly rugs have a soft fleece wither pad to reduce potential rubbing. 


Our selected range of fly sheets are made from high quality materials that can withstand the rigours of daily wear and tear. Reinforced stitching and strong closures result in a long-lasting fly rug. Many are constructed from rip stop materials preventing large tears if snagged.


Choose one of our lightweight and breathable fly rugs from top brands that wont cause your horse to overheat. Manufactured from mesh panels and moisture wicking fabrics, they are ideal for promoting airflow and keeping your horse/pony cool and comfortable. 

Why should my horse use a fly rug?

Protection from insect bites

The main benefit from these lightweight rugs is their ability to protect your horse/pony from the irritation and discomfort caused by insect bites including flies and midges. 

Reduced stress

Flies are a constant source of annoyance for horses causing stress and agitation. By wearing a fly rug, your horse can relax and graze in comfort.

Improved coat condition

Horse fly rugs help protect your horses coat from sun bleaching and insect damage, resulting in your horse maintaining a healthy and vibrant coat year-round, which is especially beneficial during show season. Top brands such as Equilibrium, Shires and LeMieux rugs often feature UV protection. 

Summer Sheets

Summer sheets are typically made from lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton or polyester, which wicks away moisture and allows for maximum airflow. Summer sheets are incredibly versatile and can be used for a variety of activities including turnout, travel, after bathing and in the stable. At Ayr Equestrian our selected range of summer rugs are available in a range of sizes with either a standard or full neck for extra coverage. 

Like fly rugs a summer sheet can offer protection against the harmful rays of the sun helping to prevent sunburn and coat fading. This lightweight breathable layer can help prevent your horse from overheating in the sun by keeping them cool and comfortable whilst in the field.

Summer sheets are the ideal solution to help keep your horse clean by providing a barrier against dust, dirt and grass stains. Secure chest fastenings, neck enclosures, and adjustable cross surcingles ensure a customised fit. 

Our extensive stock of summer rugs offer the perfect blend of functionality, durability, and style, ensuring your equine companion receives nothing less than the best. Shop from a range of waterproof fly rugs, cotton sheets, sweet itch rugs, and more from trusted top brands offering unbeatable value. At Ayr Equestrian we provide the highest quality equestrian products that cater to the needs of both horse and rider.

Fly Rug & Summer Sheet FAQs

Should you rug a horse in summer?

Rugging a horse in the summer depends on various factors such as the horse's individual needs, health, and the weather conditions. In general, horses have a natural ability to regulate their body temperature, and many can cope well with summer weather without the need for rugs. However, some horses may benefit from fly rugs to protect them from flies, sunburn, or to manage their coat if they're clipped.

Does my horse need a summer sheet?

Stable sheets are extremely versatile and offer many benefits. They provide a lightweight layer of protection from drafts on cooler days and evenings without significant warmth or bulk. They help to keep the coat clean and prevent stains, especially useful after bathing and can also be used when travelling to and from a show. It is always important to monitor your horse, especially in warm weather, to ensure they are comfortable and not overheating or becoming too cold and adjust accordingly.  

Why do we use cotton sheets on horses?

Cotton sheets are similar to summer sheets and are also used for a variety of purposes. Cotton sheets are versatile and can be used year-round for various purposes, including cooling down the horse after exercise, providing protection during transportation, or for keeping the horse clean. They offer excellent wicking properties making them ideal for use after exercise or bathing as they absorb excess moisture while allowing the skin to breathe. They can be used alone in warmer months or as an additional layer under heavier rugs in colder weather. They are not intended for turnout use.